AI automation
Al Bookings (Voice Agent)
Client Reservations Can Be Automated 24/7 With A Voice Agent on your phone line or on your website even in several languages , So U Never miss a beat with leads and customers. Voice Agents Know Your Business, remember the caller and Never Get exhausted. Client meetings will Be Booked With Ease directly into your calendar. Oh And complaints can be handled with human handoff.
hospitality healthcare real estate wellness home services others professional services
AI automation
Al Insights (competition radar)
Daily management briefing about your competitors moves scanning social media, reviews and websites. Your AI analyst will recommend actions to show u are always ahead of the curve and your team can focus on what matters most.
hospitality healthcare real estate wellness home services others professional services
AI automation
AI social media
Automate your daily social media photo and caption postings on facebook, instagram, Twitter and more, so your audience always sees an interesting story. Add additonal flavour to your posts like news or a lifestyle theme that suits your brand
hospitality healthcare real estate wellness home services others professional services
AI automation
AI seo (blogging)
Automate your SEO blogging with keywords that rhyms with googles mechanisms and improve your ranking without paying for expensive ads.
hospitality healthcare real estate wellness home services others professional services
AI automation
AI service (chat bots)
Let your clients communicate with an intelligent chatbot and fix problems 24/7 with ease. may it be a technical product question that can be found in a service manual, a general enquiry or a request for a meeting. The Ai also recognizes your clients prior communication.
hospitality healthcare real estate wellness home services others professional services
AI automation
AI assistant (Multi Agent system)
Automate your personal and office workflows with multiple Ai agents each one specializing on a task like searching the internet, responding to your incoming emails, posting on social media or handling office workflows like setting up meetings, ordering supplies and more
hospitality healthcare real estate wellness home services others professional services